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엄마와 딸내미의 관심사/컴퓨터 프로그래밍

Digital Experience Platform(DXP)란

by 엄마와 딸내미 2019. 9. 27.


Digital Experience Platform (DXP)

- 기업, 고객 간의 사용되는 모든 응용 프로그램의 통일성을 유지시켜주는 도구.

-소프트웨어 플랫폼.

-빌드하고, 통합되고, 최적화된 유저 경험을 제공한다.

모든 디지털 채널들에서 

-노든 사용자/고객의 통합된 스테이지에서.


  • A Digital Experience Platform is a platform that allows you to build meaningful applications for your user audience. It is not a pre-packaged app that you simply deploy and / or rollout.
  • It serves multiple digital channels or touchpoints including web, mobile, social, email, and connected devices.
  • It serves multiple user audiences such as customers, partners, employees, suppliers, and others, and allows interactions between these audiences.
  • It serves users at different points in their journey – for example, end-to-end customer lifecycle from awareness to conversion to customer engagement/interaction/self-service to advocacy or employees from a new hire to a long timer.
  • The digital experience is integrated and optimized across the various delivery channels as well as across various backend systems.


Ex) 어도비의 DXP가 있음.


DXP가 제공하는 것들

  • Content
  • Context
  • Portal
  • Collaboration
  • Social
  • Mobile
  • Search
  • Analytics
  • Orchestration/composition
  • Integration and API services



그외 관련 용어 UXP : user experience platform,

- 통합된 기술의 모집이다. 사용자와 애플리션들, 처리과정, 콘텐츠, 서비스 간의 상호작용을 목적으로 사용한다. 

- 여러가지 구성체로 있다. 포털, 마쉬업 도구mashup tool, 콘텐츠 관리, 검색, 분석, 합동, 소셜 및 모바일 도구들.